Sunshine and Happiness
The sun is the original source and foundation of life on this planet. Its rays bring to us many and varied blessings. Besides supplying us with heat and energy, the sun is also a healing power. It heals sickness by destroying harmful bacteria which breed in filth and putrefaction.
With the aid of the sunrays leaves of plants transform carbon dioxide of the air into chlorophyll, sugar, and other carbon compounds of which all parts of the plant are composed. To animals the sunrays supply directly Vitamin D which performs in the body the task of uniting the two vital elements, calcium and phosphorus, in the process of building bones. The sun promotes normal growth in plants as well as in animals. Children raised completely, or even partially, without sunshine develop rickets, anemia, and a number of other similar deficiency diseases.
Primitive man spent most of his life outdoors in the sun. Modern man, on the other hand, has shut himself indoors for the largest part of his time. He has darkened his rooms with curtains, blinds, and drapes and hid himself in huge skyscrapers, basements and factories with the result of becoming anemic, suffering from underdevelopment, soft bones and weak nerves.
Some people may argue that we still get a sufficient amount of converted sunshine from the foods we eat. Indeed plants do contain all known vitamins; they obtain them from the sun and later convey them to those who consume them. Raw green vegetables, egg yolks, and the livers of animals contain large amounts of Vitamin D. Oddly enough, the richest source of this vitamin is found in cod liver oil, the oil extracted from a fish which never sees the sun. This is understandable because the codfish derives Vitamin D from its food — the sea plants floating on the ocean which receive this vitamin directly from the sunrays. Surely we could get enough Vitamin D from the right kind of foods, but the drawback is that the average person nowadays uses a very small amount of natural foods, and what vitamin D is obtained from our modern foods is not sufficient for our needs without the main source of it — the sun itself.
To grow normally and retain good health we, as well as our children, must cultivate the habit of taking advantage of the sun’s presence whenever possible. Spread your curtains wide and open up your windows to admit plenty of sunshine into your rooms — the glass of the windows prevents the healing ultraviolet rays from getting through. Whenever possible spend your time outdoors; wear shorts and let the sun bathe every part of your body.
People whose skin has not been accustomed to the sun should use caution and not get sunburned, as that is both painful and unhealthy. Get your body used to the sunrays starting gradually with ten to fifteen minutes of exposure on the first day of sunbathing, and increasing that daily by five minutes until a good tan is obtained. The most beneficial sunrays are those of the early morning sun. This has been proved by exposing some plants to the morning sun, others to that of the afternoon. It was found that the former grew better than the latter ones. Try to get a daily outdoor sunbath throughout the year; indoors — through an open window wherever it is not possible to be outside.
A good ultraviolet lamp is very helpful when the sun is not out, in cold weather, or in the cold seasons of the year. In selecting an ultraviolet lamp, do not take any of those equipped with ordinary electric bulbs of glass. The light of the lamp should be either entirely in the open or enclosed in quartz. Ordinary glass does not permit the ultraviolet rays to go through, so by using lamps made of such glass you will be only wasting your time and money.
Vitamin D which is sent to us by the sun is absorbed by our skin and then gradually conveyed by the blood from the skin to the inner organs and all the cells of our body. Since this is a process which takes time it is advisable not to wash the skin with soap and hot water immediately after a sunbath or an ultraviolet lamp treatment. A lapse of several hours should be allowed before taking a bath where soap and hot water are used.
Lack of space does not permit us to go into details of all the ailments relieved by direct or artificial sunlight. These benefits are well known to almost everyone as sun treatments have been used for many generations with good results. However, instead of overcoming disease by means of any kind of treatments, sunlight included, is it not better to prevent it by the same means if possible?
Store up vital energy and build a strong healthy body by exposing yourself daily to the great promoter of life — the sun.
Sunshine means health; it is also synonymous with happiness. Get your share of it. It is entirely free. =)
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