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>1. Lot is righteous (2PET2:7). But Lot in GEN19:8 is prostituting his 2 daughters.
So, by doing evil is being righteous?
>2. Was Jesus (Yeshua, Yahusha, Yahshua/sha, etc) is leading people into eternal life or damnation?
*Jesus teaching in HEB8:13 that the 10 commandments is void already or had vanished away.
A LIE or not?
*Jesus is teaching eternal life in MT19:16-21 to keep only the 6 commandments and to sell ALL of what you have that you may be perfect.
Can anyone follow to sell all that you have that you may become poor and perfect?
Was the only 6 commandments can lead people to eternal life?
Jesus is telling the truth or telling a LIE when He said to follow only 6?
>3. In MT22:36-40
On these 2 commandments hang all the Law.
How many commandments are there in the Law? (Note: the Law had vanished away or it was made void)
>4. In NUM21:8,9 The LORD (which can be replace by YAHWEH,
YAHWAH, JEHOVAH, YAHUAH, ETC) had instructed Moses to make a fiery SERPENT to set it on a pole & whoever was bitten by the serpent & looks to the serpent shall live.
SO, the LORD (YAHWEH, YAHUAH, JEHOVAH, ETC) is teaching Moses an idolatrous act? or the LORD, BAAL is the SERPENT?
In JN3:14-16 And as Moses lifted up the SERPENT to be looked upön and live, so is the Son of Man (JESUS, Yeshua, Yahusha, Yahshua/sha, etc) be lifted up to looked upon/ believed & you shall not perish.
Serpent in the wilderness to be looked upon/ believed & you live. And Jesus also to be looked upon/believed & you shall live.
SO, that SERPENT was also JESUS (The 666) who was raised up & is also the LORD (LUCIFER, The 666)!
>5. Jesus is a symbol of a GREEDY man or a THIEF in MT25:26 where He reaped & gathered to where He did not sown & scattered seed.
>6. Can anyone, a created being, be made perfect & holy like the perfection of the Father who is holy in MT5:48 & 1PET1:15,16?
Since no one can attain the perfection of the Father & so it follows you cannot be made holy if you cannot attain the perfection of the Father!
>7. All Bible believers are 'The SALT of the earth' in MT5:13 & all believers in different religions now can preserved life as they are ALL SALT OF THE EARTH?
>8. The 144,000 Firstfruits qualificatiöns in REV14:4 must not be defile with women for they are virgins. But in ACTS 2:1-13 in the Day of Pentecost/ Firstfruits & in James 1:1,18 are talking about that they are the Firstfruits, and they are not at all pure virgins!
>9. In Acts2:38 is the baptism in water for the forgiveness of all our sins.
Was there a basis of how to define a sin that we are doing a sin?
If sin is lawlessness, how many commandments are there in the Law?