Mini Virtual Sea Creatures Game

Friday, November 4, 2011

Life's A Journey

Life’s A Journey

The journey we travel in life

We have trials to help us come to the light.

The ups and downs makes us strong

If you pray it gets easier as you go along.

This journey that I am on

Sometimes it has been crooked, and seemed very long

Sometimes it was exciting and fun

Other times like a sad, sad song.

Many times I was bumped in the road

And often I felt like I was carrying a heavy load.

Some played big roles in my life, yet was lost

There has been joy and pain, laughter and sorrow

Memories of yesterday and thoughts of tomorrow

For all those who have thoughts that it’s impossible to fix

Do not be afraid at all and take the risks.

It is not when you failed to achieve what you crave

It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do not live your life by saying success is impossible to reach

The quickest way to a journey that is wonderful

Is to always believe in yourself, without being doubtful

To end this simple poem of mine

I hope you all would put this in your mind

That In every step we make in the way

God is always with me and you in everyday.

Homework of my sister with her proud brother :D